Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Coon Creek Comments

I woke up this morning to the sound of a squirrel rodeo on the roof above my upstairs bedroom.  It sounded like a herd of tiny elephants running back and forth.  I started to get aggravated with them, but then I thought of how much more pleasant it is waking up to the sounds of nature rather than the sound of sirens.  It gets lonely out here sometimes, but I wouldn't go back to city life. 
     I had a wonderful experience a couple of days ago.  I was sitting on the couch watching television and out of the corner of my eye I saw a lady raccoon at my feeders which are right outside of my window.  Then I saw her three babies hanging off of the tree watching their mama.  It was such an amazing sight!  Sadly I wasn't able to get a picture as my camera was in the other room.  She came back again that evening with her little fatties.  I haven't seem them again, but I am hoping they will return long enough for me to get a picture. 

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